Exit Charge removed by Scottish Widows on Saving Plans & ISA
Scottish Widows is removing the exit charge that applies to certain Savings and Investment products. Following a review, they are removing the exit charge on the Savings and Investment products listed below by 23rd October 2017.
Scottish Widows Unit Trust Managers Ltd:
● Scottish Widows Open Ended Investment Company
● Scottish Widows Individual Savings Account
HBOS Investment Fund Managers Ltd:
● Halifax Collective Investment Plan
This will be of potential benefit to many account holders, who can now move their investments to lower cost platforms, and also access a wider range of funds with better track records.
We work with several low-cost platforms for ISA and non-ISA (Unit Trust / OEIC) funds and can help you design an optimum asset allocation and populate it with leading funds from a wide choice, giving you the portfolio you that is designed for you. We don’t force people into categories or into one of a handful of model portfolios – our portfolio design is bespoke.
Here’s a little example. For clients with both ISA and Non-ISA holdings, we design the portfolio and then split it so that the income bearing stocks are in ISA , and the growth stocks (with typically lower dividends) are in non-ISA. This is very effective in mitigating any tax from the non-ISA element, and the growth in the non-ISA element is also usually largely untaxed as as you can carefully use your CGT allowance each year (which otherwise is lost!) You’d be surprised how many high street bank “advisers” and indeed other financial advisers across the country will simply lump your money into the same portfolio across both accounts. We don’t, because to do so is poor advice.